在Scapy 2.4.3+中,默认情况下支持HTTP数据包。让我们安装本教程的要求:
pip3 install scapy colorama
我们这里需要colorama只是为了输出http数据包的时候好看一些。from scapy.all import * from scapy.layers.http import HTTPRequest # import HTTP packet from colorama import init, Fore # initialize colorama init() # define colors GREEN = Fore.GREEN RED = Fore.RED RESET = Fore.RESET
def sniff_packets(iface=None): """ Sniff 80 port packets with `iface`, if None (default), then the Scapy's default interface is used """ if iface: # port 80 for http (generally) # `process_packet` is the callback sniff(filter="port 80", prn=process_packet, iface=iface, store=False) else: # sniff with default interface sniff(filter="port 80", prn=process_packet, store=False)
def process_packet(packet): """ This function is executed whenever a packet is sniffed """ if packet.haslayer(HTTPRequest): # if this packet is an HTTP Request # get the requested URL url = packet[HTTPReq...